About our farm
It’s been a dream of ours to start our own small farm with our children. Chad grew up on a dairy farm and his parents were gracious enough to let us purchase 80 acres in 2010, and so we started grain farming with the help of his dad and brothers. In 2014 we moved to our current home with six acres and were recently able to purchase an additional 23 acres adjoining.
We started raising calves purchased from neighboring farmers, and bought 12 chicks the first year, and now we have a few cows, many steers, pigs, pygmy goats, a few lambs, turkeys, and hundreds of chickens. As our four children are getting older, they help with many of the daily chores and we enjoy spending time together tending to the animals or taking a ride to check on pastures and crops.

The regenerative path...
We believe in knowing where your food comes from and how it’s raised. We raise everything on the pasture throughout most of the year. We love watching the cattle graze on green pastures and chickens scratching for bugs and seeds. We don’t use any hormones, feed non-GMO corn, and only use antibiotics when necessary.
- Chad & Jill Vonder Haar, Owners

"We believe in knowing where our food comes from and how it's grown, and that starts with the soil. The Soil Health Academy and Understanding Ag have been great resources throughout our journey in regenerative agriculture." – Jill Vonder Haar