Register Now for Regen Ag 101
Regen Ag 101 brings the regenerative learning experience to you
They are the world’s preeminent experts, pioneers and advocates in today’s regenerative agricultural movement. Through years of practical experience on their own farms and ranches, and by learning from other experts and researchers across the globe, they’ve learned how to successfully farm and ranch in nature’s image—to grow healthier soil, food, farms and profits. And they’ve dedicated their lives to teaching others how to do the same.
But not everyone can attend their in-person training, so these “Soil Whisperers” created Regen Ag 101, a virtual Soil Health Academy school that farmers, educators, gardeners and other friends of the earth can access 24/7 from virtually anywhere.
Now, regeneration is just one click away—for everyone!
Cost of the Regen Ag 101 Course is $499
You will receive access to the course for one year
Regen Ag 101 Testimonials
About the Course
Through Regen Ag 101, the Soil Health Academy’s world-renowned teaching cadre will show you how to increase profitability, build resiliency into your land, decrease input costs, and improve the nutrient density and the marketability of the agricultural products you produce.
The Regen Ag 101 curriculum covers a range of topics, presented by the Soil Health Academy’s world-renowned farmer/instructor cadre.

Topics Include
No matter where you farm or what you grow, Regen Ag 101 will help you improve soil health through practical, regenerative agricultural principles that are the key to your farming and ranching success
A self-paced, interactive experience
The Regen Ag 101 online course is designed to be a self-paced, interactive media experience, chock-full of video lectures, case studies, and supporting research gleaned from the very best of Soil Health Academy live workshops across the U.S.
The course consists of 10 documentary instruction modules featuring Ray Archuletla, Gabe Brown, Shane New, and Dr.Allen Williams teaching the core principles of regenerative agriculture that they have pioneered over the past 30 years.
Through the Narrasys Platform, each student gets “ebook” control over the video and supplemental media to search, read, watch and interact with all of the content. Along the video timeline, augmented media is presented to the learner, inviting deep-content journeys that result in a greater understanding and retention of the course content.
The course platform provides access to

In their roles as on-farm consultants with Understanding Ag, LLC, Regen Ag 101’s instructors have helped producers successfully transition from conventional agriculture to soil health-centric regenerative agriculture on more than 17 million acres of land. Regen Ag 101 now gives you the opportunity to experience their stories, demonstrations and collective wisdom—all to help you grow healthier soil, farms, food and profits.
Regen Ag 101 Copyright 2020 Understanding Ag